Privacy and cookies
This website is the property of LOGITAS SAS, a private company dully integrated in France, with a capital of 38.112 €, having its headquarters Espace Jean Monnet - 47 rue des Solets - 94533 Rungis CEDEX - France. The Publishing Director is the Managing Director. The website is hosted by Infomaniak Network SA, Rue Eugène-Marziano 25, 1227 Genève, Switzerland, +41 (0) 22 820 35 44, https://www.infomaniak.com.
Personal data
For LOGITAS, privacy and confidentiality are key values. Our website does not collect any personal nor identification data, cookies are only used to enhance your user experience.
We collect professional contact data that you share with us only to use them in the context of our business relations and for our commercial needs only. You have the right to access, rectify, modify and delete your personal data. You may exercise this right by sending a request to the Data Protection Officer:
- by email to personal-data@logitas.com
- by postal mail to LOGITAS - Data Protection Officer - 47 rue des Solets - 94533 Rungis CEDEX - France.
For confidentiality reasons, any application shall include the necessary details required to identify you, namely, a sworn written certificate that certifies that you are the owner of said personal data and a certified copy of an identity document.
Cookies used on logitas.com
Our website uses the following types of cookies:
- Session cookies that store technical information as you navigate from one page to another on our website. These cookies have a limited lifetime and are destroyed when you close your browser.
- Cookies that store the consent to usage of cookies. These cookies are kept for a maximum period of 13 months according to the European regulation.
These cookies only ensure the optimal functioning of our website and do not allow any kind of identification. You may block or suppress them at anytime using your browser configuration but that will probably degrade your user experience.
A banner granting access to this page is displayed at first visit. In accordance with the european rules, your consent to cookies is kept for a maximum period of 13 months. On expiry of this period, the banner will again be displayed.
How to disable cookies
If you want to disable cookies, please refer to your browser documentation. Links below grant you access to cookie settings page of some of the main browser :